Why you need a helmet sensor?
We call it a 'Crash Severity Sensor'
It can tell you if your helmet is ruined from your crash
But more importantly, it helps first responders help you - when you need it most!
If you've had a big one, you want to know the first person to come to your aid is going to do the best for you, right?
Well that's what our sensor says to them: "This dude has gone down hard so do the right thing and help them!!".
For most crashes where you get concussed (either a little or a lot) our helmet sensor will help you do the following:
1. Know how big your crash was
2. Get the right medical treatment faster
3. Get the right concussion rehab, faster
4. Get back on with life all healed up, faster!!
5. Live another day, 100% ready to charge!
Hell yeah!